Saturday, 25 July 2009

Makerbot laser cut parts

Well, i finally did it, i have taken my new sheets of plywood to uni and handed over the designs, they are going to be laser cut on a 600x800mm laser cutter, make not known, and it will require 3 parts made on the 5mm plywood (6mm) and 1 set on the 4mm plywood. this will also result in spare bits - the x and y parts are duplicated, so incase i break anything i dont have to go back and get it cut - saves time aswell as it is all contained on the one sheet.

after looking on ebay, i decieded to purchase a set of 4 stepper motors - which means i have one nema type 17 spare incase! that cost me a little over £40, but it does work out slightly cheaper than that in the makerbot store if you consider postage.

However, thinking about it, and trying to source that parts for the belts etc, im getting quotes of about £15 for the smaller belt, so it may just be easier to pay the $175 for the complete pack and have done with it. I am also tempted to buy the pack for the electronics gen 3 aswell, m but as some parts are out, then i will have to wait.

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