no relation to wallace and gromit, but makerbot have now released the next gen of makerbot! the thing-o-matic provides automatic printing with the belted buikld base and much finer resolution printing!
It is a shame the cost hasd also increased! sadly to import one of these into the UK, will cost £711 for the kit, postage about £30? then charges totalling an estimated £140, making the total cost £900... sadly i cannot afford this, but am very tempted to break open the uni laser cutter and make myself one when the files become available :D
all for now, but check out the details online:
Why the hell you dont print a Mendel?
Or, do what I'm planning to do - sell your Cupcake and put the money towards a Thing-o-Matic. :) I'm pretty sure I could get $1225 for my fully assembled, working 'bot with a MK5, automated build platform, an extra fully assembled and working MK4, and tons of MK4 spare parts.
Hi Roboteernat and Makerblock
Just FYI Robosavvy UK is now selling the THing o Matics directly in the UK with the offer of a Cyclops 3D Scanner.
The price is slightly bellow 900 but you do get the 3D scanner and because it ships form the UK you do save on shipping and avoid customs completelly.
the link is this one I think: http://robosavvy.com/store/index.php?manufacturers_id=37
(I remember there was a smaller link but this gets you there too).
Hi Roboteernat and Makerblock
Just FYI Robosavvy UK is now selling the THing o Matics directly in the UK with the offer of a Cyclops 3D Scanner.
The price is slightly bellow 900 but you do get the 3D scanner and because it ships form the UK you do save on shipping and avoid customs completelly.
the link is this one I think: http://robosavvy.com/store/index.php?manufacturers_id=37
(I remember there was a smaller link but this gets you there too).
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